Published on 8/16/2021
We've now been the owners of Safe & Sound Storage for a full two weeks! There's been a lot of work to do to transition over, but we're coming along nicely. We're both super tired, but still very excited to be here and dig in. We began this adventure back in the spring and had all sorts of plans for improvements. It's feels great as I see some of those plans become reality. I have met a number of our renters now and some of you have been so sweet with your encouraging words - thank you!

There are still some quirks with the phone and I haven't been able to pick up messages when we're not on-site - still working with the phone company on that one. But, I finally have the special text number set up, so you can reach me that way - 541-229-4722. It's worked like a charm so far and texting has become my favorite way to communicate with you.